The Top Ten Reasons
to Have Pat Speak at Your Next Meeting
10. He has been called one of the “hottest speakers in dentistry.
9. His message is new, fresh, and exciting.
8. He is well-known and draws crowds by attracting the whole team.
7. He has a serious message that he delivers with humor and verve.
6. He promises great evaluations from everyone-the dentist, the business staff, the hygienist, and the clinical assistant alike.
5. Attendees are entertained as they are informed.
4. Flat-rate pricing means you don’t pay any travel expenses and you have no paperwork hassle!
3. We work with you to ensure maximum attendance.
2. He guarantees to overwhelm your attendees with value.
1. Barack Obama is busy the day of your meeting!
It’s not just a seminar; it’s an experience!
Pat speaks on most management topics. Recent titles include…
Secrets of Practice Greatness | The New Rules of Practice Management Practice Mastery Academy | Colossal Case Acceptance The Statementless Practice | Magical Customer Service Million Dollar Verbal Skills | Leadership in One Lesson