Why Should Anyone Be Your Patient?

Office Magic Newsletter
Dynamite Your Status-Quo to Achieve Breakthrough Success.

May 2011
In this issue
-- Question of the Month
-- Ginny's Response
-- Coming Next Month


This month, a great question from a client currently devouring our "Leadership and Accountability System" ... along with a response from Ginny that may get you to rethink your current approach to managing people.

Question of the Month
"I have started reviewing the 'Custom Deal' for a star employee and it sounds like a reasonable compromise. However, sometimes the other staff members will have to do extra work to compensate for the change. This may create tension between staff when they realize they have to do more work to accommodate this custom deal for this 'special' employee. Furthermore, the staff may complain that the extra work was never part of their job description and it is not fair. As a result staff morale decreases. How do you resolve this situation?"

Ginny's Response
Your staff needs to see themselves as a 'team' of people working together toward shared goals rather than individuals working simply to advance their own interests. Your role as the Team Leader is to build, support and develop the best possible team. If one 'high-performing' member of that team needs a consideration and you feel it is in the best interest of the team to grant that consideration, it should also make good sense to the rest of the team and therefore not be seen as simple favoritism.

For example, if the financial coordinator needs to come in 30 minutes after everyone else in the morning, and keeping her on the team is preferable to losing her and having to recruit, hire, and train her replacement, the team should support this change in her hours. If personal drama is getting in the way of this support, I would see this as an indication that you may not have the 'right' team on board. Clear, open communication with each team member about her role, responsibilities and attitude will help each person see how she can improve her contribution and value to the practice.

This approach is not typical in dental practices across the country and I believe that is the reason for so much drama and stress. Employees do not typically step up and create this cooperative environment on their own, but are taught this approach by an enlightened leader who sets the tone and develops the team. The reduced stress and sense of camaraderie under this team approach is positive change that team members love once they experience it. It makes sense: Who wouldn't prefer a happier, more supportive environment to a drama-filled, stressful, competitive one? Unfortunately, too many staffs simply call themselves a team and expect to see these positive changes. This type of change requires more than a name change.

Most importantly, don't sacrifice your best employees in order to satisfy your average or mediocre employees or simply to keep the peace. You want to build a culture that supports the high performers and encourages the others to move on, not the other way around.

Unlock the Hidden Potential of Your Team

Coming Next Month
More advice of quality and distinction.


Pat, Ginny, and Lorraine

P.S. How about this whole world-coming-to-an-end thing?

Look, I love Oprah too, but it was just a TV show!

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