~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Office Magic Newsletter Dynamite Your Status-Quo to Achieve Breakthrough Success. December 2008 Greetings! It's December, and Director of Consulting Ginny Hegarty wants you to give your staff a gift. Ladies and Gentlemen, Ginny Hegarty. Delegation is the articulation of clear goals with specific guidelines and concrete deadlines. That is delegation and that's the true art of empowerment. "I want you to build me a box. It's got to be smaller than a refrigerator but bigger than a bread box. It can't be yellow but it could be gold. It's got to be done by Wednesday at midnight. Are you with me? Are you sure? Let's write that down." THAT is delegation. And that is real power. Empowerment isn't doled out. Empowerment is earned. Our Christmas Gift to You Watch this video!! This video will knock your socks off! Choose fame and glory not as an end in itself, but as a means to a larger end. Choose success not at the expense of others, but as a tool with which to assist others. Choose the adulation of others by showering others with adulation. Choose being better. Not better than others, but better than you were before. Choose having more so that you have more to give. Chose knowing how and knowing why so you can share your knowledge with others. We don't know who wrote the above. If you do, tell us. And have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Chaka Khan! Pat, Lorraine and Ginny Contact Information |