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Office Magic Newsletter
Dynamite Your Status-Quo to Achieve Breakthrough Success.

July 2008
In this issue
-- Motivational Lie #1: People with written goals are more effective than people without them.
-- Last Ronald Reagan Talking Action Figure Offer Ever!
-- Coming Next Month


This month we begin a new series: Lies that Motivational Speakers Tell Us. You count on Office Magic for simple ideas that work. Over the next several months, we're going to steer you away from some ideas that sound good, but just ain't so.

A cynical but insightful person once said that a lie told often enough becomes truth. Indeed, speakers repeat and recycle so many of the same ideas they've heard from other speakers, and do so with so much charisma, that we have accepted many unfounded ideas as truth. But even a cursory examination of some of these "truths" exposes them in fact to be nonsense. And there are better foundations than discredited ones upon which to build your practice.

Seminar attendees should be skeptical and ask tough questions, just as speakers should check their facts before abusing the privilege of the platform.

Motivational Lie #1: People with written goals are more effective than people without them.
Which speakers tell us that people who write their goals down are more effective than those who don't? Oh, that's right. Pretty much every speaker tells us that! But as a Fast Company magazine article published more than ten years ago first revealed, there is no evidence for this assertion.

You've heard the story. In 1953, new graduates at Yale were surveyed to find out how many of them had written down their goals for the future. Twenty years later, the same group was surveyed again. The 3% of the class who had written down their goals had achieved more than the rest of their classmates combined.

The problem is that no such study took place at Yale or anywhere else. Still, motivational speakers can't let go of this chestnut. Popular speaker Brian Tracy said of this story that "If it's not true it should be." And Tracy's circular logic would be amusing if it weren't so dangerous.

Last Ronald Reagan Talking Action Figure Offer Ever!
We have just three Ronald Reagan Talking Action Figures left. We'll throw one in with the first three orders we get for Magical Customer Service and the Statementless Professional Practice Systems -- our nine audio CD flagship resource. Press the button and hear, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall," and "I have only one thing to say to the tax increasers: Go ahead. Make my day!" and other classics.

But that's not all. You'll get not just a physical version of the System, but you'll get instant access to the whole thing as downloads -- all the manuals and all the audio ready for your iPod.

Oh, and one more thing. We'll give you a complimentary upgrade to the Deluxe System with two posters and a DVD of a live presentation.
Order now, or you're a fool.

I Want to Eliminate Billing, Get the Reagan Doll, and Everything Else!

Coming Next Month
Next month:

Lie #2 that Motivational Speakers Tell Us.



P.S. If you like this information and are looking forward to next month's expose, use the Forward link below!

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