Why Should Anyone Be Your Patient?

Office Magic Newsletter
Dynamite Your Status-Quo to Achieve Breakthrough Success.

August 2004
In This Issue
-- Faster, Easier, Better Class II Contacts
-- Free DVD Shows Products in Action
-- The Joy of Clinical Dentistry
-- You, Too, Can Make Drop Dead Gorgeous Dentures!
-- Here's What's Happening


At last! The recommendations we've been promising for months. Here they are ...

Faster, Easier, Better Class II Contacts
You might like the pre-assembled, all-in-one wedge, matrix and retainer called the Tri-Clip because it produces better, more anatomical contacts. We like the Tri-Clip because its all-in-one design saves time, labor, and frustration! That's sound practice management!

The Tri-Clip saves time, reduces sterilization, and produces better, faster, more consistent contacts. Once you've had the pleasure of placing the matrix, wedge and retainer in one step, you'll never miss your Tofflemire. And to your assistant, you'll forever be the hero!

The Tri-Clip Revolution

Free DVD Shows Products in Action
You know Dr. Joe Blaes from Dental Economics' "Pearls for Your Practice." Or maybe you know Joe because he is at every dental meeting ever held. We don't know how he does it.

But you need to subscribe to his new series, "Products in Your Practice in Action." You actually see what these products do and you learn exactly how to use them with superb cinematogrpahy on these DVDs. Ask for a free DVD to check out. They know you'll subscribe once you see it.

The DVD format is also great for training your assistant, so your assistant can train you. Go on, admit it! You'd be lost without her. Call Joe's superstar assistant Gina at (866) 274-4500 or e-mail her at galgenna@aol.com and ask for a DVD to review.

The Joy of Clinical Dentistry
Ian Shuman has a gift for simplifiying restorative technique, and he does it with an enthusiasm that will reenergize your practice. His latest effort is his best to date, it's available on DVD or VHS, and it's full of tips and tricks that will save you time and produce better results.

The workbook includes step-by-step instructions for each technique. The real value of any learning resource i
s what you do differently after completing it. This one would be a bargain at twice the price.

Tips and Tricks for the 21st Century Dental Practice

You, Too Can Make Drop Dead Gorgeous Dentures
Why do so many dentists hate doing dentures so much that they stop doing them altogether? How can a dentist gain the competence that instills confidence, and charge an appropriate denture fee -- a fee similar to that of other cosmetic makeover procedures?

Dr. Charles Barotz answers these questions on this spectacular video. In fact, he knocks them out of the park. You'll get the results you're looking for, and dentures will be something you start looking forward to. Really!

Call Christie today at (303) 595-4994 and ask her for an Office Magic special price. You'll save $40 off the regular price of $249, and you'll get free shipping to boot!

Charles, if you're reading this, you did a spectacular job; a real service to dentistry. We will not accept any referral fee for our endorsement, but if we're ever gumming it, we'll sure appreciate a professional courtesy when we come see you!

Here's What's Happening
Date just added in Mount Laurel, New Jersey; a power- packed Friday morning October 29th. Hope to see you there. Click below to see the number to call and the rest of the schedule.

Next month: An idea sure to get you "Colossal Case Acceptance."

Until then, keep fighting the good fight,

Pat, Lorraine, and Ginny

Make Your Practice Twice as Good Road Show

Contact Information
email: info@officemagic.com
voice: 800-750-8779 or 302-229-9520
web: http://www.officemagic.com

Office Magic · 628 Black Gates Rd. · Wilmington · DE · 19803-2240 · USA

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