Truly Useful Tip #2
Get Dr. Ron Schefdore's breakthrough work, "Better Service, Better Dentistry, Better Income." Have you ever noticed that the best books are the easiest reads? Ron has really hit upon what makes patients tick.
We feel like better people for having read it. What Ron discusses is universal. The techniques he describes make us better communicators not just with our patients, but with our co-workers, spouses, and children.
Just $26.90 includes shipping. That's right, just twenty- six dollars and ninety cents with a return on investment of... who knows?
Of course, we don't make a penny in any way or kind whatsoever from this book. We just want you to have it.
To order, call XL Media Solutions at (800) 443-9935, or just click on the link below.
Better Service, Better Dentistry, Better Income
Truly Useful Tip #3
When you place an order anywhere online you are often asked for a "coupon code" at checkout. If you don't have one, go to Google and search for the store name and the words "coupon code" (or whatever the merchant asked for). This search will often lead to sites with these special offers and discounts! You'll save money and maybe even receive free stuff.
This tip is courtesy of Steve Bielski, a computer programmer quoted in this month's issue of PCWorld magazine.
Truly Useful Tip #4
Here's a tip from Director of Consulting Ginny Hegarty which she says makes for the ideal Jump-Start-the-New Year-Meeting. If you want to hit the ground running in 2004, schedule a meeting with only two rules: everyone is a genius, and everyone's opinion counts.
The challenge you lay out is from Dr. Stephen Covey's bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:
"What one thing could you do (something you aren't doing now) that if you did on a regular basis, would make a tremendous positive difference in your professional life?" Start your brainstorming with this question and then continue with these...
Top Ten Resolutions for a Stronger 2004
Goodbye Song
"Goodbye, goodbye, good friends, goodbye. Because now it's time to go. We'll see you very soon, I know."
That was for all of you "Bear in the Big Blue House" fans.
See you next month with more great stuff!
Pat, Lorraine, and Ginny
Contact Information
voice: 800-750-8779 or 302-229-9520