Why Should Anyone Be Your Patient?

Office Magic Newsletter
Dynamite your Status-Quo to Achieve Breakthrough Success.

October 2003
In This Issue
-- Part I of II: An Advanced Technique to Get Referrals
-- Tour a Top Office Without Leaving Town
-- Seminar Spotlight
-- Quote of the Month
-- Part II of II: An Advanced Technique for Expert Business Staff
-- Coming Next Month


If you own any of our management resources, then you know hundreds of ways to earn the "word of mouth" that builds practices. And if you have our Special Report, "Double the Response of Your Marketing at No Additional Cost," you've seen a copy of the "Send A Friend" program that brings in the patients so easily and effectively without your ever having to ask anyone to refer their friends or family.

This month, an advanced technique that you might like and you might not. But it works! If you don't like the first idea, read the rest of the newsletter for more!

Part I of II: An Advanced Technique to Get Referrals
Don Cherry, DDS, of Williamsburg, Virginia says he has built his practice the "old-fashioned" way -- from "internal" marketing efforts, patients referring other patients.

Here's something he does that we found intriguing. We're passing it along without comment!

"Sometimes, I'll thank a patient for referring others, even though they might not have sent one." That's right, the patient never sent one!

"The patient thinks about it and realizes, maybe referring someone would be a good idea. Maybe they have not referred anyone in a while. These patients quite often do send in a referral afterwards! It works a lot of the time!"

Tour a Top Office Without Leaving Town
Many of you have asked us, "Do we have a video of the new patient experience, something that would show an entire actual visit from start to finish, with everything done right?"

The answer is, "No." Why not? Because that video already exists, it's better than we could ever do, and we give it to our own consulting clients. You should get a copy, too.

Ron and Marie Groba have done a spectacular job producing a broadcast quality video that shows in great detail how a top practice really runs, all the secrets behind their legendary success -- how they get patients to accept treatment without selling, and how they easily keep the schedule full.

Call Marie at (800) 569-5245 to buy your very own copy and tell her to rush it! What it will do for your hygiene department alone is simply stunning. And tell Marie that Pat and Lorraine will accept no compensation from her whatsoever; just keep producing great stuff, and, well, she can always send us a fruit basket if she likes.

Seminar Spotlight
It's time to plan your 2004 calendar. Here's a question: What goal would your office need to meet for you to be able to bring the whole team to beautiful Destin, Florida in March, one of our very favorite places? Why don't you tell your team and give them the chance? It could be the smartest thing you've ever done.

Pat's presentation will be worth whatever you pay to get there -- We promise! But check out everyone else you'll see: Goldie Hawn! Gordon Christensen! And that's the very tip of the iceberg. Click below and see what you'll go home with. And please note: Pat's photo was mixed-up with Tom Trinkner's.

An Unforgettable Spring Break

Quote of the Month
"Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, and she did it backwards and in high heels."
-- Faith Whittlesey
Former US Ambassador to Switzerland

Part II of II: An Advanced Technique for Expert Business Staff
If you have our "Office Manager in a Box," you know this opinion of ours: The more a caller wishes to talk to the doctor, the less likely it is that the caller should speak to the doctor. Or perhaps a patient is calling you at 4:59 on a Friday, and the doctor is not able to see the patient.

Don't launch into a long explanation as to why the doctor is unavailable. Try these Magic Words instead: "He/she is unavailable." These words work -- like magic! Don't forget to add, "Let me see how I can help you."

Staff members, try not to say to a patient, "I need to check with the doctor." Instead, say something more general like, "Let me check on that for you and call you back." This way, the doctor's involvement, if any, can be kept confidential from the patient. Hey, we doctors don't want to look like the bad guy or girl, and we'll pay you to help us!!

Instant, Complete Training

Coming Next Month
Coming Next Month
One of the very few bonus plans Pat and Lorraine endorse and recommend.

So, until next month...

Keep on keepin' on.


Pat and Lorraine

Contact Information
email: info@officemagic.com
voice: 800-750-8779 or 302-229-9520
web: http://www.officemagic.com

Office Magic · 628 Black Gates Rd. · Wilmington · DE · 19803-2240 · USA

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